Thursday 3 May 2012


The module was defiantly interesting and challenging to do, as it was interesting to see if I was able to show an Italian surroundings and the models needed. Getting used to modelling was a hard concept to understand in the first place, same when understanding the ways to animate, but as soon as I understood what I could do on the software then some things became a little easier to use. 

I think that I had done quiet well on the modelling part of the module, considering that this is my first time using 3D Max. Some of the buildings were tricky to do, mainly the arch way, the bird was fairly easy once I had understood how symmetry worked and the flying machine turned out better than I imagined once I understood that the leaf tutorial has great use in everything. If I was to do the modelling again, I would focus on more detail on the buildings, making sure that they would actually look like what I'm referencing to, as well as make sure that the materials worked better on the buildings and on the  plates.
The animating was very messy when working with it, mainly for the flying machine and the biped within the flying machine. For the bird, it was easy to animate as I just made the wings go up and down before placing the bird on a path to follow. I properly could have done that for the flying machine and the biped but the movements wouldn't always be continuous since the flying machine would fall at the end and that the biped starts with holding the flying machine up in a different way to when it was flying it. Because of this, the flying machine and the biped ended up being animated from frame to frame, which was very time consuming and it made the model fall apart at worst times. I think if I was to do this again, I would group more of the flying machine together so that bits and pieces don't end up everywhere or so that the wing doesn't end up doing the complete opposite to what the other wing did. I think I would also make the movement of the biped better and actually sort out a mesh body that the biped could go into, since I managed to break his thumb off without even realizing it.

The lighting of the scenery was good, especially the sun, the only thing I think I could work on is the shadows as they came out patchy in the animation, not making it clear if it was the shadow or the render decided not to do that part of the animation.

And the end of it though, I'm pleased with the work, considering that it was my first 3D work. I hope that my skills within 3D Max and possibly Maya in the future will get better.



Wednesday 2 May 2012

Rendering and Sound

With setting the right settings and making sure all of the material I needed was collected, I had rendered the clips needed and began to place it all together in Abode Premier. While editing the clips together, making some longer in time as the frames were too short, I quickly gathered some music from my Uncle and some from the assassin creed games, which had covered the Italian era, as well as some sound effects, such as the birds and the movement of the wings. It was a bit tricky to find the sound needed, making me wish that I had gathered the sound beforehand but all of the work is now complete.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Beginning of Rendering :D

I have began to render my animation!! FINALLY!! After completing the animation of the flying machine, I am able to start setting cameras out and begin to render my scenes. Though to get all of the render clips will take a while, I can focus on blogging and quickly finishing other work as well as getting the song choice for the 3D animation itself. For the music, I have decided to get something slightly comically sounding as the animation is aimed to be funny, this includes getting sound effects that will make you giggle. I will also need to start on my reference list for the 3d work....I can only imagine it being a LONG reference list.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Animation Progress and theory of flying machine movement

That thatb the setting is done, I can focus on the movement of the biped and the flying machine within the animation. From the design of the flying machine, it would seem that the biped would have to move in a certain  way for the flying machine to move its wings. From looking at the design, it would like the biped would have to pull his arms and legs in when it wants the flying machine wings to go down and then have its body flat out if it wants to get the wings to go up. This certain way of movement will be interesting to see and entertaining when it flys the flying machine in the wrong angle.

Here is a screenshot of working on the animation of the biped grabbing one of the handles on the flying machine.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Process with work

From working with the biped to sorting out the lighting for the scene to animating the first bird, the scene is coming along smoothly. The biped will need to be placed as if holding the flying machine before going to animating it. The bird has a path and is animating, all i have to do is to clone the bird and the path. I created a path using the line tool, connecting the bird was simple enough. With the planes that surround the scene, I used the leaf tutorial once more so that the buildings remained, allowing the sun to be seen setting in the distance. This is what this look like at the moment....

Work in Process: Lighting

As the scene is being set up, I wanted to try and create a sunset for the animation. This is what I have gotten so far following the daylight tutorial.

I currently like the lighting in the thrid picture but I want to try and make it look more reddish like a sunset is, but if I can get that then this will have to do as well as the sun is now in the right place.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Town Square

I have completed the town square for where my scene will take place.

Using plates as background images, it managed to create the scenery behind the scene. I made the houses smaller to make it to scale of the town and created a seating area in the middle of the square, where the brushes are ready.