Tuesday 20 March 2012

Town Square

I have completed the town square for where my scene will take place.

Using plates as background images, it managed to create the scenery behind the scene. I made the houses smaller to make it to scale of the town and created a seating area in the middle of the square, where the brushes are ready.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Work in Process....

During class, I had finished making the buildings for the town and made a screen shot of the town in process. I might change the size of the houses as they look a bit too big


Today, we went through making facial animations with a basic head. We made three copies of the head given and gave each of the copies an certain action, from closing their eyes to making the head smile. We placed the channel effect on the orginal head, allowing easy animation on the head. This will properly be a technique that I'll use for the animation.

Monday 12 March 2012

Work in Progress.....

After making the storyboard, I have been making the town square in classes while I try and make my man from home. From using youtube tutorials, this is what I have got on my man at the moment.

Using the same technique as the dove, I had used symmetry on the person so I could do two sides at once. I still need to make the feet, hands, head and 3D styled hair ^^ Then the clothes to go on top. I'm hoping I can get this done. If not, I will use the biped as a back-up.

The town square is nearly done, just need to finish modelling the houses before I begin to place them everywhere and try to sort the lighting out on the set. Joooooooyyyyyyy!!! Ohh, I also need to sort out the brushes in the square.

I guess it would be nice if I can get everything done, to have everything made fresh and to get it animating.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Storyboard-First Flight

Now that the three models have been handed in, I have created a storyboard for my 3D animation.

The idea of the storyboard is that this is the first test flight of Da Vinci's flying machine within the city of Milan. From some research, it is said that the flying machine can be a good guilder and without any hot air to push it up, the flying machine will simply fall. So I decided recreate the first test, that the flying machine didn't work in a comical way.


(Create sketchbook like title before fading into scene)

1: Angle: Medium Shot at arch building.
    Transition: Fade in
     Info: Shot of Arch building in Milan, a man is seen staying on the top of the building.

2. Angle: Medium Shot at the back of the arch building
    Info: Shot of the man on top of the arch building, viewing the town square below.

3. Angle: Medium Shot of the man in the flying machine.
    Info: The man stays there, fully fitted in the flying machine.

4. Angle: Close up Shot of the man.
    Info: Made is looking at the city in front of him.

5. Angle: Close up shot of the man.
    Info: Dove flies pass the man

6. Angle: Close up shot of man.
    Info: Man watches the doves with awe.

7. Angle: Medium shot, behind the man.
    Info: The doves fly freely into the sunset.

8. Angle: Close up shot of the man's foot.
    Info: Man pulls his foot back, pulling the rope that's attacted to it.

9. Angle: Wide shot of the flying machine
    Info: The man tests the wings, making sure that they more up and down, like wings of a bird.

10. Angle: Extreme Close up shot on the man's mouth.
     Info: The man cockliy smirks.

11. Angle: Close up shot on the man's foot.
      Info: The man begins to run.

12. Angle: Shot poining from the side of the arch building, upwards.
     Info: The flying machine jumps off the arch building

13. Angle: Wide shot of the scene.
     Info: Flying machine begins to flap, trying to follow the doves in the light of the sunset, tinting the flying machine instead of flying.

14. Angle: Close up shot of the man
     Info: Man halts as he realises something its wrong.

15. Angle: Medium shot of the flying machine.
     Info: The man starts moving his legs in a comical way, making the wings flap.

16. Info: Man falls

17. Info: Man Crashes

18. Angle: Shot of scene
     Info: Man has fallen in a brush, the flying machine in pieces.

19. Credits

Thursday 1 March 2012

Conclusion- Modelling

Ever since starting this assignment, I have had a bit of trouble trying to get used to the program, considering that it was something completely new and it's an obstacle to overcome in the beginning. It took about a couple of weeks to finally get over the obstacle and start learning what the program could actually do when it came to the three models that had to be created.

Out of the three models, I think that the flying machine looks the best, because it looks the most realistic and it is the one that is the most closest to its orginal design. The one that took the most effects and tools in 3d Max would have to be the building, though all of those effects were very useful in getting used to the program. Surprising, the dove seemed to be the quickest and the easiest to do, with learning about Symmetry and understanding about the shape of the bird, which actually helped me understand why the first flying machine may have not worked.

If I could have do the models differently, I would try and make the dove more realistic looking and not looking like something off Pingu, the TV show, but I still like the style overall, just not for this assignment. For the building, I could try and add more detail to it, though it looks detailed enough already, there are some little things that I noticed near the end of the modelling that I wished I added.

From making the models, I have learned a good amount of skills that will be useful when making the animation in the weeks to come.

Model Three: Building in Milan

This is my three and final model. I'm not sure why the screenshots had decided to brighten up the model but I didn't have the time to figure it out '^^.

The model was based on this picture...

The reason I chose this building for my model is because this will be the building where the person (a.k.a. Da Vinci) will try out his flying machine for the first time, seeing the town square and the rest of Milan at his sights. It also gave me the practice to use Boolean to create the shape needed in the building, therefore the rest of the buildings should be a breeze. For the windows, I drew the shape in Illustrator, making the stain glass and texture in Photoshop before making it into a material and placing it on a plane, similar to what I did for the wings on the flying machine. Here is the window.

The building was a bit messy to start with. To make the arch in the middle, I had to use a simple box and use the Bend Modifier to bend it to a 180 degree angle, then using the cut tool to cut some of the side off since it was showing too much. After that, I created three boxes, two tall ones next to the arch and one on top of it. For the side boxes, I used the Extrude tool to create the indent in the building, as well as using Bevel to create the indent on the side. I created extra boxes and adding the Bevel effect to point the edges out before placing them in the building. I did have trouble with the Bevel at first because I tried to use the Bevel on the actual main building, but the ledges seemed untidy and it seems to make the grid of the box messy. I made come Cylinders as the pillars at the egde of the indents, before MeshSmoothing the indent itself so that it didn't look so pointy. The material was a pain, having to use the UVW Mapping to rotate and orangise the texture, even having to go to photoshop a couple of times to add certain detail for the building, like this texture.