Tuesday 21 February 2012

Working in process

I have currently been working on two of my three models for the last couple of weeks. One being the Flying machine and one being part of the building structure. I have been having a little trouble with the flying machine and trying to get the wings right on it since I am looking at the orginal sketch of the flying machine instead of the assassin creed's recreation of the flying machine. I should be able to get the wings right soon.

The second model was different to figure out, since just being placed on the program, I still haven't gotten used to its fuctions. But using the Exclude Tool, the cut and bend tool for the arch, and some smoothing, the building is slowly coming together.

This is the first attempt of the wing of the flying machine. As you can see, it is absolutely horrible. It looks too thick, it's hard the model and get in shape...no that it is in good shape anyways. I'm going to try and draw the wing again and use the same technique used for the leaves. Hopely, I can get the wings right.

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